Setting up addon

Setting Up Your Plugin


  1. Download Blender from its official website. Make sure to download a version that is higher than 3.5 and lower than 4.0!
  2. Download the latest Starfield Geometry Bridge plugin from GitHub
  3. Open Blender and Navigate to “Edit -> Preferences -> Addons -> Install”.

Image 1

Image 2

  1. Install the Starfield Geometry Bridge plugin you just downloaded in the installation window.
  2. Enable the plugin as is shown in Image 3.

Image 3

Set Up Your Assets

Image 4

  1. We only care about two folder paths for now. They are “Export Folder” and “Assets Folder”.
    • Default Export Path is the default folder that holds your exported files if their export paths are not specified. Set this path to somewhere you won’t forget!
    • Assets Folder is the folder that has all the loose files extracted from ba2 archive files. The plugin will look for game assets as loose files in this folder.

Since Assets Folder requires loose files, you should first extract ba2 archives as loose files in a folder, and then set Assets Folder path to this folder. Extract the assets you need. If you want to use vanilla assets, they are located in the meshes01.ba2 and meshes02.ba2.

Your Assets Folder should look like on image below:

Image 5

What’s next?

Depending on what you plan to do next, here is some knowledge you might find useful: